How businesses can benefit from Online Resource Management

Benefits of Online Resource Management for Businesses - Blog

Businesses are constantly evolving, which means so too are the online resources that these businesses use day to day. But how do companies track the resources they use? How do they know if a resource is providing sufficient Return on Investment? These are all questions that Online Resource Management solutions like Onelog help answer with a number of useful modules.

So here are four key Onelog functions that perfectly explain why using Online Resource Management is a big win for businesses of all sizes.

Usage reports that really work

While it's certainly true that online resources can be affordable, highly useful tools that significantly boost productivity within your business' day to day workflow, they can also be hugely costly and underused systems that offer no real return on investment. Electronic resource management solutions like Onelog offer unrivalled transparency when it comes to your company's online resources, so whether it is an old, forgotten resource that continues to eat away at your budget or the latest product that is doing wonders for your business, Electronic Resource Management solutions give you detailed, easily applicable usage reports that can save your company a whole lot of time, energy and money.

Manage your contracts

Contract management for online resources without an Online Resource Management solution can be a handful. Depending on the amount of resources people are using, the amount of subscription data that needs to be saved and managed can be overwhelming, especially if the locations of these files are not all stored in one, easy to access location. With Onelog, contract documentation can be uploaded together with subscription costs, contact details, renewal dates and email reminders.

Password Management

We've all been there, logging into an online tool for the first time in a while and completely forgetting your signing in details.

Whether you've confused your sign up details with another online tool or you just haven't signed in for so long that all memory of it has disappeared, forgetting passwords can be a frustrating, time-consuming process. Luckily, those using Onelog never have to worry about dealing with those password woes ever again. All their passwords are saved to Onelog automatically, meaning they can log in to what ever tool they need with the click of a button. It's also a great way to store your passwords securely, avoiding the risks of losing filed, physical data or more importantly falling into the wrong hands.

Web Control

Having your workforce using a multitude of company authorised online resources is highly beneficial when trying to create a holistic, smoothly run business process, however adding certain guides and restrictions can overall benefit both the user and the company at large. Onelog's Web Control feature allows the admin to to take control over access to web resources, allowing them to tailor the web experience for their users with the aim of minimising costly research mistakes and to assist users to make best use of the resources available to them.

For more information about Online Resource Management, arrange a free demo here.

More about Onelog Usage Reports


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