Seeing the
Onelog uses its own tracking metrics to compile unique, vendor neutral and customisable reports on all the online subscriptions you are currently using within your company.
for ROI
Subscriptions can be expensive, so being able to track, monitor and analyse their effectiveness across your whole business is essential.
Onelog allows you to accurately track resource usage, how they are being used and who by, giving you a clear understanding of whether these subscriptions provide significant ROI.
Identify underused
resources and
reduce costs
Managing your online resources is a simple way to help streamline your company's workflow that helps reduce the amount of online spending in the process. It’s a no brainer.
Data Visualisation for all your essential online services
Interactive dashboards
Want to analyse all of your online resource data? Onelog does just that with a simple to navigate interactive dashboard, giving users access to all their online subscription usage data in one, easily customisable place.
Customised dashboards and reports also mean a clear visualisation to justify your decisions in implementing or removing online resources from your company workflow.
Business Intelligence (BI) systems integration
From print data to customer feedback, BI is becoming a central player in the handling of online resources and company decision making through it's easy to capture and apply data visualisation.
Use Onelog to generate data that is suitable for Business Intelligence systems such as Microsoft Power BI for in-depth analysis of complex usage data as well as faster, more proactive decision-making.
Gain transparency of your online subscriptions
Leave no subscription unturned with Onelog’s built-in reports.
Resource usage summary
This shows a summary of utilisation for a resource.
Resource usage detail
This gives a detailed list of each user’s sessions.
Resource limited licence exceeded
This list includes all resources and users where access has been denied due to there being insufficient pooled passwords or a limited concurrent licence.
Unused resources
This is a list of resources which have not been used by any user. It helps to identify resources which are no longer required.
Report raw data
This provides a CSV report which contains all the user session data so that it can be processed by a 3rd party application, such as Excel.
Resource configuration
This provides a CSV report that contains a list of all resources and their configuration.
Resource web control configuration
This provides a CSV report that contains a list of all web controls and their configurations.
User usage summary
This shows a summary of each user’s resource utilisation.
User usage detail
This shows a detailed list of each user’s sessions for each resource.
Unique user usage
This is a line chart showing the number of users who have used a resource at least once.
Unused user resources
For resources that are set up with individual passwords, this lists users that have not accessed them within the given date period.
Local filter usage summary
This summarises usage per local filter key values, showing the number of resources accessed, sessions, duration and page count.
Local filter usage detail
This shows a detailed list per local filter key values, showing session details including IP Zones, resource name, matter numbers*, timekeeper IDs*, comments*, duration, page count and cost* (*where recorded).
Local filter sections
This shows details for each local filter, which analysis sections have been used while researching in a resource.
All passwords
This shows a list of all resource passwords.
User passwords
This lists all passwords for resources which are configured to require individual user passwords.
Organisation passwords
This lists all passwords for resources which are configured to use firm-wide passwords.
Pooled passwords
This lists all passwords for resources which are configured to use pooled passwords.
Compliance report
Shows all events over the chosen date period when more than one person uses the same username and password to access a resource.
Peak resource usage
This shows a line chart of the highest number of concurrent sessions per resource within the selected date period.
Total user session usage
This shows a line chart of the total number of sessions per resource within the date period selected.
Unique user session usage
This shows a line chart of the number of individuals using each resource within the date period selected.
Total session duration
This shows the total usage duration per resource within the date period selected.
Analysis resources
This shows the number of unique users who have used the resource(s).
Analysis search
This shows the number of times each search term has been used with each resource.
Analysis matter
This shows the number of times each matter number has been used with each resource.
Analysis resources sections
This additional report is run via the Reports section and shows a list of resources and the number of times each section was accessed.